Good Morning Arusha?
Here’s a recap of yesterday as we look at what the last day looks like.
Key takeaways from yesterday’s sessions of #AruWSIG19 were:
- Research and Data-Driven Advocacy. This session was facilitated by Mr. Alban Manishimwe-NMAIST, Uganda Bureau of Statistics.
What is Data-Driven Advocacy?
Data can paint a clearer picture of a situation. When visualized and published on a website, data can help create powerful imagery to convey information, strengthen arguments and bridge gaps among stakeholders with different levels of familiarity with an area of advocacy.
- Introduction to Digital, Media and Social Mobilization tools for campaigns.
The explosion of social media in the recent times, has drastically transformed the way information is created, disseminated and distributed.
- ICTs and Mental Health. This session was facilitated by Hazel Muriro from Mindful Conversations. The overall outcome of this session was to explore possible associations between information and communication technology (ICT) use and mental health symptoms among young adults. By “ICT” in this context is meant mainly computer and mobile phone use. The question of: What is it about new technology that is making many of us anxious and stressed? It was clear that we literally have the internet in our pocket at all times and can seemingly find out the answer to almost any question at the touch of a button. But while these advancements in technological functionality and access are amazing; they come at a cost. There is also evidence that we are becoming over-dependent, or even possibly addicted, to our phones. Think about how you feel when you realize you have forgotten your phone or left it behind somewhere.
Welcome to the last day and stay tuned to live updates across our social media platforms.
Have a lovely day!